Release Technique & Open Source Forms mit Jadi Carboni
Mittwoch, 15. Jänner bis 21. Mai 2025 I 18:00 bis 19:30 Uhr
DAT-Probenhaus, Orpheumgasse 11, 8020 Graz
Beitrag: 10 Euro / Reduziert*: 8 Euro // Zehnerblock: 90 Euro / Reduziert*: 75 Euro
Open Source Forms
OSF is a Dance Method rooted in the Skinner Releasing Technique and developed by the New York Choreographer Stephanie Skura.
It involves shedding outer layers, accessing primal energy, agility navigating subconscious realms, imagery as a potent tool for transformation, developing a high degree of self-consciousness. This work celebrates diversity, collaboration & individual empowerment: free of inhibition, inviting the mind to collaborate. OSF sessions offer potent tools to access freedom, specificity & courage in movement, vocal practice & creative practice. A key aspect is individual creative empowerment as an instigator of positive change on the planet.
Release technique
Release Technique is a method that aims to re-educate motricity. Helping the body to find its natural alignment it improves coordination, strength, flexibility and agility. It works and explores biomechanical principles, therefore it can be applied to any other technique.
We will analyse and explore the body anatomy through improvisation and movement sequences, from the floor to standing, across the floor and upside down. Also some partnering work will come across.
Release technique is a postmodern practice evolved from the collective spirit of the 70′, focusing on releasing unnecessary tension to find full body freedom, awareness and integration. It emphasizes a sense of ease and fluidity: the physical state of being efficient without unnecessary tension, ready to move.
Informationen & Anmeldung:
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